"Skyhawk 7TW you are 5 miles from the FAF, turn left heading 130, maintain 2000 until established, cleared RNAV 10 approach" - ATC
"Do Whaaaaaaaaa?" - Instrument Student

STAGE 1: Precision Flying & Basic Instrument Approaches
Lesson 1: Introduction to Standard Rate and Basic RNAV
GROUND (1.5)
Precision Flying (new tolerances)
Magnetic World
RNAV World
Flying the Attitude Indicator (right side of power curve)
Standard Rate of Turn (rules of thumb: bank angle / timed turns)
IFR Patterns
Our Airplane's Avionics
RNAV Approach full procedure
FLIGHT (1.5)
IFR Instrument Checks
IFR Verbiage (clarity)
Short-field takeoff
Turns to magnetic headings (UNOS)
Patterns A-B-C-D
RNAV Approach
Lesson 2: Precision Flying (continued)
Lesson 3: Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) [IFR]
Lesson 4: More precision flying and PPL Maneuvers
Lesson 5: STAGE CHECK (1.5 GND / 1.5 FLT)
STAGE 2: Navigation: Radials and Tracks
Lesson 6: VOR Navigation and VOR Approach [IFR]
GROUND (1.5)
Victor Airways (IFR Low Chart)
Tuning radials
Changeover point
Identifying Fixes
VOR Checks
Creating a flight plan via Victor Airways
Connecting enroute and terminal world
Step-by-step Actions to execute KSAV-SAV-V37-ALD-KAQX
Student must file the flight plan (6000 ft)
Remarks: PIC Tizi Bernard CFII
Review of circling approaches
FLIGHT (1.5)
IFR Instrument Checks
IFR Departure
Executing entire flight plan
Intercept + Tracking Victor Airway
Track vs. Heading
Identifying Fix
Homing a VOR
Situation Awareness
Changeover Point
Touch and Go (or land)
Pick up IFR clearance airborne
Direct SAV (home SAV VOR) or vectors
VOR approach
Lesson 7: DME Arcs [IFR]
Lesson 8: VOR Approach via Radial [IFR]
Lesson 9: Visual Approach (Daytime) [IFR]
Lesson 8+9 Combined: XC under Green Needles [IFR]
Lesson 10: STAGE CHECK (1.5 GND / 1.5 FLT) [IFR]
STAGE 3: Holding Procedures
Lesson 11: Airway and OBS Holds [IFR]
GROUND (1.5)
Hold Theory
Three recommended entry procedures
Tizi's shorthand math and chart annotations
How to hold (traditional iterative method & using ground track)
How to visualize holds using the HSI
Strategies on using on-board systems
Mandatory reporting elements
FLIGHT (1.5)
IFR flight plan to KELER intersection (V437 southbound)
Hold Direct at KELER (radials)
Hold Parallel at KELER (radials)
Hold Teardrop at JANIE (GPS OBS)
Hold Parallel at WOHPY (GPS OBS)
ILS or VOR approach
Instructor Notes:
- from N, hold N KELER R-183 RX 1 min
- from N, hold S KELER R-357 RX 1 min - from E, hold NW JANIE R-290 RX 1 min - from W, hold NE JANIE R-070 RX 1 min
Lesson 12: GPS Holds [IFR]
Lesson 13: Partial Panel Holds using CDI [IFR]
Lesson 14: Missed Approach Hold [IFR]
Lesson 15: STAGE CHECK (1.5 GND / 1.5 FLT)
STAGE 4: Approaches
Lesson 16: RNAV, LOC and VOR [IFR]
GROUND (1.5)
Alternate Airport Requirements
Minimums Planning
Modifications to Minimums (inop equipment)
IFR Dispatch Form
FLIGHT (1.5)
IFR flight plan: KSAV - KARW - KHXD - KSAV
LOC 21 at KHXD (with published missed)
Lesson 17: Circle to Land [IFR]
Lesson 18 & 19: DME Arc XC [IFR]
Lesson 20: STAGE CHECK (1.5 GND / 1.5 FLT)
STAGE 5: Cross Country
Lesson 21: Charleston International Airport (KCHS) [IFR]
GROUND (1.0)
IFR Dispatch Form
Filing a Departure Procedure
Flying a Departure Procedure
FLIGHT (2.0)
Lesson 22: Charleston Executive Airport (KJZI) [IFR]
Lesson 23: Long XC at Student's Discretion [IFR]